Jodhpur High Court
Causelist Covered
The service scans for lawyer names in Daily, Supplementary, and Weekly Causelists for the next working day. In Jodhpur High Court, Daily and Weekly Lists are uploaded two days before they are called. We send you the message for any list as soon as it is available on the high court’s website.
Notification Format
The Notification message sent to the advocates is in the following format : Date- List- Court- Judge- ** case – ( V/S ).
Sample Message
If a lawyer has one case in Daily list for Hon’ble Justice A.M.Sapre, two cases in Daily List for Hon’ble justice K.C.Joshi and two cases in Supplementary list for Hon’ble Justice K.C.Joshi, the message sent to him would look like this:
Date-03/03/23 list-JOD Day
Court no.- 17 *CR. MISC. BAILS US 439 CRPC* case-48. CRL.M.(BAIL)9410/2022 (dilip vs state of rajasthan vs (prosecution-state-r1) )
If there are no cases listed for any of the search names of the lawyer in any of the above cause lists, the following message in sent to him:
No Listings in 02/03/23 JOD Supp causelist for Likma Ram Upadhyaya
Here, Nitin S Dutt, NKS Dutt, N S Dutt, nitin s. dutt are the various search names registered with us by the advocate Nitin Dutt.
Notification Timings
The Notification message is sent to the lawyers between 6.30 PM to 7.30 PM, since this is the time, when the cause lists are put up every day on the internet, by the Jodhpur high court. The Notification message is sent to the advocates as soon as the list is uploaded on the Jodhpur high court website. In the summertime, it is between 1 P.M. to 3 P.M., on all other days, the Notification is sent around 7. P.M.