Andhra Pradesh High Court
Short Causelist Service is designed to deliver cause list information to advocates by scanning daily and weekly cause lists for the next working day. As soon as the list is available on the Andhra Pradesh High Court website, we send you a notification message for any list you have subscribed to. In addition, you may opt to receive notification messages and emails for the same information.

Notification Message Format
The notification message sent to advocates is in the following format: Date – List – Court – Judge – **case – ().
Sample Notification Message
If a lawyer has three cases in Daily list for Hon’ble Justice Prem Shankar Asopa, one case in Daily List for Hon’ble justice G.S. Sarraf and one case in Supplementary list for Hon’ble Justice M.N. Bhandari, the message sent to him would look like this:
Date-01/03/23 list-TEL Day court -
G.RADHA RANI Court no.- 26 *FINAL
HEARING* case-87. ,CCCA/290/2018
If there are no cases listed for any of the search names of the advocate in any of the above causelists, the following message is sent to them:
No Listings in 02/03/23 TEL Day causelist for Nagesh Pachimatla
Notification Timings
The notification message is sent to advocates as soon as the list is uploaded on the Andhra Pradesh High Court website. The notification messages and emails are sent between 6.00 PM and 9.00 PM since this is when the cause lists are put up every day on the internet by the Andhra Pradesh High Court. It is between 1 PM and 3 PM in the summertime, and on all other days, the notifications are sent around 7 PM.